For teams, it is absolutely essential to be able to discuss internally with your team members and structure your communications into groups of topics. Traditionally, this would require an additional application to handle that. FoxConnect delivers team communication right next to the unified chat inbox experience. Within your inbox, you can use @ messaging and chat to talk to your team from the separate team chat screen. 

Create Channels

Channels allow for more focused work – you can create channels for every project, topic, or team you want. With a separate channel for everything, you can now structure your work and teams much more easily. Your team will thank you as they can focus on the conversations that matter and easily find the information they are looking for.

Add team members & assign permissions

Manage the permissions of team members by assigning them one of three user types (admin, agent, or manager). This allows to set permissions for each user to the channels and features they have access to. 

Direct Messaging 

Besides channels, you can message every member of your team directly via direct messaging. For quick off-topic chats or things that do not require everybody else to see it, direct messaging provides a quick and easy way to contact somebody without having to leave FoxConnect. 

Start your free trial.

get your team on board and improve TEAM communication and collaboration

Team collaboration is essential for any business to succeed, and the right tools can make a huge difference. FoxConnect is an innovative team communication platform that provides users with all the features needed to stay connected and productive in today’s fast-paced work environments. This secure and intuitive platform offers a suite of applications designed to help teams easily share, store, and manage data. With FoxConnect, you can create an organized workspace with real-time team chat, file sharing, instant messenger client chat on platforms such as LINE, Facebook Messenger and Instagram, project management (KanBan boards) as well as task management. By providing your team with the right tools for efficient communication and collaboration – such as FoxConnect – you can increase productivity while creating a fun workplace environment.


If you’re like most business owners, you’re always looking for ways to increase efficiency and make more money. Well, team communication chat may be just what you need. Here’s why:

1 It enables team members to communicate quickly and easily with each other, no matter where they are. This can save a lot of time and hassle that would otherwise be wasted on emailing back and forth or trying to track someone down in the office.

2It encourages teamwork by making it easy for team members to share files, ideas, and feedback with each other. This leads to better results because everyone is working from the same information.

3It helps keep everyone organized by creating a central repository for all project-related information. This eliminates the need for team members to spend hours searching through their emails or desktops for the right document or file.

4It makes it easy for managers to keep track of what everyone is doing and provide feedback when necessary. Team collaboration chat gives managers a real-time view of how the team is performing and where they need improvement.”

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