Building Business Commmunities Simplified

Grow the Smart Way
Connect with Your customers THROUGH LINE, Facebook Messenger and Instagram. Communicate with your team internally with full featured team chat, delegate tasks, and manage conversations together. Increase your team's efficiency with Kanban project management and FoxConnect's uniqUe chat lists feature.
unified chat
Unified Chat Inbox

Manage LINE, Facebook Messenger and Instagram chats with your team in a single inbox.

Team communication
Team Communication

Full featured team collaboration and communication for your business.

Chat commerce
Chat Commerce

Handle all processes for Ecommerce: Orders, shipping fulfillment, and internal team productivity.

Sale management tool
Sales management

Manage your sales pipeline and sales team with the inbox, Kanban boards and team chat.

Customer service help desk
Customer Service

Customer service with ticketing right from your inbox. Use LINE, Messenger and Instagram instead of Email. 

Project management tool
Project Management

Manage projects via Kanban boards and chat lists. Project management for the new chat based generation.

FoxConnect unifies LINE, Facebook Messenger and Instagram conversations while providing efficient tools for team Chat communication, E-commerce, CRM, and support teams.
Chat &
at the speed of light
Sure, FoxConnect does multi-channel chat. But there is also Ecommerce, social CRM, broadcasting and more. Your team & customers will love it.
Team Chat

Team Chat


Unifed chat inbox
Project management

Project Management

Unified CRM

Unified CRM

Chat Commerce

FoxConnect unifies LINE, Messenger, and Instagram conversations plus providing efficient tools for Team Communication, E-commerce, CRM and Support Teams.
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