lets you delegate tasks to your salespeople and track their progress, so you can see what they’re doing and how they’re doing it. The platform also provides insights into how well your team is performing overall, which helps you make decisions about where to invest your time and resources.


In FoxConnect you can easily set up your sales pipeline using the Kanban boards feature. After you setup the steps of your sales pipeline the way you want it, you can then create cards for each new lead. Keep moving the cards through your pipeline until they are closed. Assigned sales people get notified of any changes or notes added on each lead so they are always up to date.


Add all members of your sales team as users to FoxConnect. You are then able to assign the people added to different cards in your sales pipeline. This way, whenever there is an update to a lead card, the responsible sales team members are notified. This makes it easy to work on the sales pipeline as a team of any size. Even better, if you use LINE or Messenger to generate leads, you can directly link the incoming messages into a “chatlist” on your sales pipeline. Keep all information from all chats together and linked to the pipeline.

Chat Lists

Chatlists in FoxConnect let you create cards in your sales pipeline or any other project management Kanban directly from your inbox. Let’s say you receive an inquiry via LINE. This chat is now listed automatically on your Kanban chatlist and lets you add team members, comments, due dates or attachments to this chat and process it like a separate project. 

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