FoxConnect does More

FoxConnect vs Unified Inbox

Unified inboxes are good at one thing, which is to receive messages from different instant messenger platforms in one inbox. But lack any other functionality for communicating with your team or turning chats into a projects with multiple collaborators. Additional applications are needed for this and that is where FoxConnect provides more utility. 

FoxConnect provides 4 times the functionality of a unified inbox:

External Chat (LINE, Facebook, Instagram)
Internal team communication
Project Management & Tasks
Ticket Desk

FoxConnect can replace a whole range of tools. It is a full featured unified inbox and allows you to receive messages from your customers via networks such as LINE, Facebook Messenger and Instagram. It can also replace a team communication platform such as Slack with FoxConnect’s full team chat. There are also project management and tasks. On top of that, if your company provides customer service, FoxConnect has a full ticket desk that works together with all instant messenger services that the inbox supports (LINE, Facebook, Instagram).

FoxConnect costs less:

Even thought FoxConnect provides more features, it costs less than most unified inboxes by itself. 
The cost starts already at 43 USD / user/ year.

Start your free trial.

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