FoxConnect does More

FoxConnect vs Slack

Slack is limited in scope:

Slack does team communication only so by design it is limited. Slack can connect with many other apps to stay updated on what is going on elsewhere and to automate workflows, but this is not a real integration and you are not able to have the same set of users across apps. Another problem is that integration with other apps can break. This can be a real problem in a live work setting where your team is reliant on the team collaboration tools.

FoxConnect provides 4 times the functionality of a Slack:

 External Chat (LINE, Facebook, Instagram)
Internal team communication
Project Management & Tasks
Chat Platform Ticket Desk

 It can completely replace Slack’s team collaboration plus do so much more.
FoxConnect’s simplicity still keeps it easy to learn and makes your team stay efficient.

FoxConnect costs less:

Even thought FoxConnect provides more features, it costs less than Slack. Slack costs about 87 USD per year per every user on the lowest plan which does not provide all features of the platform. For a small 10 people team, that is already 800 USD a year. If you want all features, then the cost is 150 USD per year per user, so for the same 10 people team you would be paying 1500 USD a year.

FoxConnect is more affordable while providing platform features that Slack does not have.
The cost runs from 43 USD / user/ year up to 72 USD / user / year. So even on the biggest plan, you are still below the cost for Slack’s Pro plan.

Start your free trial.

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